Saturday, March 19, 2011

52: Peace... gets a new meaning...!!!!

Busy office schedule relaxes a bit... evening sky is visible again...window seat which seemed far from true beckons almost giving out a seducing glance...wheels pick up speed... body frame collapses in the chair and the chilling windy air cuts through the hair locks making them feel alive... the vehicular noises fade the music starts connecting within...

Beats and the rhythm touché the heart ... the pulse starts racing...and unintentionally music player belts out that very close your eyes to feel it...and in a twitch of a second ... you see the jolt out of your trance...look around... everything is same around but still you feel there is amiss... ... as if something holds back and something races past both at the same want to stop right at that moment...and feel it... cherish it... once again...but you don’t listen to your heart and instead change the song in the music player...but the face never leaves your sight....

Something hidden deep in the heart  comes to the fore...long lost memories rush back to life...faces and their characters take shapes ... in an instant it seems to be some other world... which originated... which lived years ago.... which still breathes inside...

You get lost in an era you had lived before... the monochromatic shades of life create a splash...the portraits of life runs a trailer...You wish for another chance in life... to undo few things... to redo some others... you were someone else then...and forever wanted to be someone else...yet you will not want to change many things in that past....for those memories... those moments... those episodes made you ... YOU!!! Pleasant surprises... unpleasant decisions....happy occasions ... eager confessions...and sad is as if the train of past events has just approached your heart’s station...your mind questions why now??? After you have changed so much ...but only your heart knows that the exterior changes haven’t changed the inner YOU...!!!

Stress mounts in eye nerves and makes you to stop staring touch the moist corner of the eyes...and wipe out that one building look around to make sure no one saw you doing that...and in fraction of seconds...the whole army of tears starts try and look out of window as long as possible... hoping that the windy breeze would wipe out this river...but one salty tear still manages to touch your don’t like its taste for it makes you feel weak again...after some eternal time the flooding river finally dries up ...setting in the drought of lifeless emotions...twilight sky matches the redness that has transcended in the eyes...but you look you finally feel light...

As you walk back see the same children playing in the grounds...the same vegetable vendor going about his daily chores...but they don’t make a pleasant evening picture to you today...... you are lost in your thoughts...still finding the reason behind all that had happened...the honking vehicle that passes by brings you back to reality ...and you see your home remind yourself of your duties...a face again takes shape before you...this time a smile starts building around your lips...’you got your reason’ smile for someone else there...and make the living worthy...with every approaching staircase... you think of all the topics to talk on...put on that smiling mask and yet again get ready to play your part.....

Life indeed is playing your part to the T...someone did for you... and you doing it for THAT someone now....this thought leaves you at peace... amidst chaos... you have found THAT someone ....the ‘gone’ doesn’t matter much ....for the ‘one’ that matters is right besides you medicating your wound when you tripped over the staircase while coming back HOME...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

51: Adi goes philosophical....

Offlate the funda that I swear by or you may say the funda that I intent to stay with for the rest of my life is all over the place...I can almost see and read everywhere the same thing as if world too is echoing my would like to leave you with it too...
 “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma; don't let the noise of others' opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary."

Very Frankly... it only means... do what your heart says you to do... dont question it ...because it is someone who knows you the best...!!!

About Me

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Life is not what happens... life is how you make it happen...!! Thats my favorite quote... not because it gives away anything about my real character but it just gives me a better hope to know that I am here because of how I made it happen... and I will be at some other place also only because how I would make it happen...!!! But I do make mistakes.. lot of them... at times I learn from them, at all the others I just forget the episode and get ready to commit some new ones...!! Life is interesting because of I have really spicier people in them... and I come here and blabber around when the spice gets too much to handle.. :P:P