Friday, March 6, 2015

79: Wanna be perfect ?!?

Perfection?!? ...what I think of it ? I feel its the most hyped concept that we strive for almost all our lives! 

We crave for perfection in everything...a perfect childhood,  perfect education, perfect job, perfect bride, perfect family, perfect income, perfect children... everything and everyone should be perfect! But definition of perfection of each person can be and infact is always different! Do we consider this possibility while dealing with it?

There is huge onus on showmanship these days. Saw an ad the other day on the TV wherein a girl posts her new taken selfies with pout and waits for more than half an hour for someone to even like it... !! Really, is that what we really live for? A like, A comment, A pat from external world? How far to go in search of something or someone, who would be a trophy for you to display and showcase to world? If you havent yet, please ask this question to you...

I have often heard people say , "oh wow she is so beautiful, it's ok even if she doesn't have brains... our facebook pics would be awesome and so filled of likes and comments.." Really?? That's it?? I can clearly see a good deal of male chauvinism in such statements and at the same time the craving for the attention from the external world..!! I am not saying all men are like this, but majority thinks that way...and that is bothersome!!

Why we always judge people by their looks, and never by what they carry in themselves? Why dont we encourage our kids to try and become bottles which are filled from inside and not an empty beautiful bottle? Why dont we equip them to be confident and wear it on their sleeves ? 

Confidence is one such trait which can really make any person look stunning!! But the onus is more on the perfection..perfection of looks... perfection of how the fotos would turn out with that person...!! 

I do see these type of statements on matrimonial sites, "looking for beautiful, fair , slim , tall and caring girl...". These type of statements really make me cringe at the thought process people have in their minds, in their upbringing and in the thought which is deeply grilled in them that a girl is always pteferred or is a marriage material if she is fair, beautiful , slim , etc...!! She may like to write, she may like to dance, sing, act, create, state and who knows beauty might not even be on her agenda for life, but she is happy, content, has seen life, and there is really more to her than her colour and figure...!! Not sure if they make those type of guys...!!

I think its time, we halt for a while, take a step back, just breathe in the nature around, meet people in flesh, hear from them and just get off the social networking for a while!! 

For a change, lets stop searching for that perfect pic to upload on facebook and watsapp...lets jus create those perfect life moments to cherish for life!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

78: Lets decide...!! Wait ..uh.oh.. what?

All our life, we learn, re-learn , re-implement, re-assess and re-discover! We start off as a crawler, slowly and steadily we start trusting our abilities to stand on our knees, sometimes we fall, at times pretty badly, we cry and she tears but we keep trying..!! This is one of the most simplest first lesson which we learn as an infant- to keep trying, to keep bettering...!! Don't know, why we stop practising this lesson as we grow old....?!?

Decisions are the most important part of life which honestly we start taking very early on in our life! Which friends to make? Which tuitions to join? Which dress to buy?  Which stream to do graduation in? Which company to choose post graduation? When to buy a house? Which areas to look at ? Which city to settle in? Which life partner to choose? Which proposal to accept ? and many such and many more decisions...!! Like learning and discovering, we might discover some time down the line, that probably we made a wrong decision, that probably we should have chosen something else, that probably life would have been different had we chosen something or someone else!

Honestly, its ok to feel this, its ok to get doubt, its ok to stop for a while, ponder over your decisions, make a learning and then start your journey again!! First lesson of life is very important - that no matter what keep trying..keep bettering!!!Not all our decisions would be right, that doesn't mean you stop taking decisions! Just have enough grit and valour in you to stand by your decisions and make them right! That is all that matters!! Your life is really about your choices and nothing else! You don't need to give justification to anyone for it !! It makes sense to you and that is enough...!!

There are new insights into my life..!! There are new people I am meeting, new faces I am seeing , some leave a major footprint while others just walk past me... ! Some of them make me think, some of them just bore me more... some of them enrich my life with their thoughts and experiences and while others just stay around silently on the outskirts of my life..!!! Is it scary? Yes, to some extent, but ofcourse I need to step ahead, to watch my head at times and just make a leap of faith at others!

Day on day nothing feels changed, but when I look back on life, I know everything is different!

So probably smiling at the confusion and doubts right now is the best thing to do?

About Me

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Life is not what happens... life is how you make it happen...!! Thats my favorite quote... not because it gives away anything about my real character but it just gives me a better hope to know that I am here because of how I made it happen... and I will be at some other place also only because how I would make it happen...!!! But I do make mistakes.. lot of them... at times I learn from them, at all the others I just forget the episode and get ready to commit some new ones...!! Life is interesting because of I have really spicier people in them... and I come here and blabber around when the spice gets too much to handle.. :P:P