Monday, April 21, 2014

75: Do emotions exist?

Often, the paths that we have travelled , people we have met on our way, friendships which we made at that juncture of our lives, is something which we may not carry with us always, but then one surge of emotion and everything comes back to you like it happened yesterday. Why does this happen? When that past holds no ground today, why is it that you still vividly recollect everything related to it?

One does remember that first surge of blushing very clearly when the person you had crush on, spoke to you something remember every single word of it even years later, although that person is no longer the one whom you fell in love with...

One does remember that first episode of public embarrassment on finding your pant zip open and words said by the person who pointed it to you... you may not remember the next similar episode though ....but you will forever have an air of awkwardness in meeting that person again ever in your life...

One does remember the answers given by one in his/her first interview with the company personnel and the way one walked through with the interview and got the offer letter... even years later one can very vividly describe how that interview had gone..!!!

I feel human mind and soul(heart) are interconnected. One does remember everything related to a particular person or an event because one never really forgets how that someone or an event made one feel. It can be any emotion, happiness, joy, sorrow, embarrassment, fear, but a concrete emotion is what it takes to make your mind store everything related to it in safe lockers of the brain that gets opened with the password of that emotion and circumstances...

Emotions are good... they are never bad ... they make one feel alive.... they keep one alive....!!! They are those invisible threads that keep connecting our past which we have lived off with the present that we are living in... and are those invisible threads that connect our current present with the upcoming future life...

Our well being depends a lot upon how we feel emotionally. Emotional surges can either enrich or destroy a person...!! Medicos usually say , body and its well being is controlled by mind.... but what about mind? Who controls it? Is there some metaphysical factor called soul that really exists, which feeds the mind? Or its our emotional make-up that plays a big role in our overall well being?

Not quite sure about the soul factor, but emotions do exist for sure... I am sure your mind lingered over that first crush of you life a bit while reading those lines in this article...!!

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Life is not what happens... life is how you make it happen...!! Thats my favorite quote... not because it gives away anything about my real character but it just gives me a better hope to know that I am here because of how I made it happen... and I will be at some other place also only because how I would make it happen...!!! But I do make mistakes.. lot of them... at times I learn from them, at all the others I just forget the episode and get ready to commit some new ones...!! Life is interesting because of I have really spicier people in them... and I come here and blabber around when the spice gets too much to handle.. :P:P